Past Calendar of Events
January Events

January 5, 2023
Story Walk at The Park
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Maury County Park, Maury County Park Drive, Columbia
Join us the first Thursday of every month at Maury County Park. We will meet on the Story Book Trail, where we will combine literature and nature. Each month there will be a new story to explore. We will have take home crafts and fun activities. RSVP on the website - https://mcpltn.org/events/story-walk-the-park/

January 6, 2023
Columbia's First Friday
5:00 pm - 8:00pm
Downtown Columbia
Experience shopping, dining, live music, and more on the streets of downtown Columbia. Acces free public parking lots at 700 N. Garden St, 202 W. 6th St, and 119 E 7th St . A shuttle bus is available throughout the entirety of the event rotating between Columbia Plaza and Downtown every 15 minutes at 415 W 7th St. Visit: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/events/first-fridays/

January 6, 2023
Franklin Art Scene Art Crawl
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Franklin Main Street, 103 Third Avenue North, Franklin
A free event, the Art Crawl celebrates Williamson County’s local craftsmanship, from blown glass and turned wood to paintings and sculptures in businesses and venues throughout downtown Franklin. Visit: https://downtownfranklintn.com/event/franklin-art-scene-art-crawl-10/

January 7 and 14, 2023
Marshmallow Hike
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary,
545 Beech Creek Road South, Brentwood
How does a nice hike in the winter woods followed by hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows sound? Come by Owl’s Hill for our annual Marshmallow and Hot Chocolate Hikes. Hikes last approximately 30-45 minutes, with two difficulty levels to choose from. Hikes depart at 9:30 am, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to departure time. Cost is $10.50/hiker. Visit: https://visitfranklin.com/events/marshmallow-hike-december-january

January 8, 2023
Second Sundays at the Shops at James Hill
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Shops at James Hill, 97 North James Campbell Boulevard, Columbia
This is going to be a great time for family and friends to come out on a Sunday afternoon for some shopping, food trucks, and fun! Visit: https://www.experiencemaury.com/event-details/second-sundays-at-the-shops-at-james-hill-2023-01-08-12-00

Monday - Friday beginning January 9
"Art of the Buzz" Exhibit
8:00am - 5:00pm
Waymon L. Hickman Building, Columbia Campus, 1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia
The gallery will open again on January 9, 2023 with an exhibition called “Art of the Buzz.” co-curated with The National Electric Football Game Museum. The opening reception will be January 19 from 5 – 7 pm with special guest speakers, food and artist demonstrations. Watch for more details to come on a planned Tournament and Prizes for the winning team!
Vist: https://www.columbiastate.edu/pryor-gallery/index.html

January 28, 2023
Arctic Plunge
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Longview Recreation Complex
Outdoor Pool,
2909 Commonwealth Drive,
Spring Hill
The outdoor pool at Longview Rec Center will be open for their first Arctic Plunge. Must be eight or older to participate and children ages 8-12 must be accompanied by an adult. The cost per person is $25 with a $5 discount for families. Each plunger will receive a t-shirt, raffle ticket for prizes and all of the bragging rights associated with such a brave endeavor. Compete in the costume contest or bring non-perishables to be entered for a chance to win great prizes.This event will benefit The Well Outreach in Spring Hill. Visit website to register: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/wcpr/activity/search/detail/20934?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
February Events

February 3, 2023
Columbia's First Friday
5:00 pm - 8:00pm
Downtown Columbia
Experience shopping, dining, live music, and more on the streets of downtown Columbia. Acces free public parking lots at 700 N. Garden St, 202 W. 6th St, and 119 E 7th St . A shuttle bus is available throughout the entirety of the event rotating between Columbia Plaza and Downtown every 15 minutes at 415 W 7th St. Visit: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/events/first-fridays/

February 3, 2023
Franklin Art Scene Art Crawl
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Franklin Main Street, 103 Third Avenue North, Franklin
A free event, the Art Crawl celebrates Williamson County’s local craftsmanship, from blown glass and turned wood to paintings and sculptures in businesses and venues throughout downtown Franklin. Visit: https://downtownfranklintn.com/event/franklin-art-scene-art-crawl-10/

February 4, 2023
Full Moon Cemetery Lantern Tour
6:30 pm - 8:00pm
Montgomery Bell State Park,
1020 Jackson Hill Rd, Burns, TN
(near Dickson)
Meet at Campground Shelter.
Take a historical lantern tour to three of our cemeteries here at Montgomery Bell. We will learn the stories and history of the people that lived here before Montgomery Bell was a State Park. Registration is required and there is a $10.00 fee. Each participant will be issued a lantern for this hike and we will meet at the campground shelter. This is about a 1.5 mile hike (two and a half hours). No pets please.This is a moderate hike with some hills. Please dress for the weather. No refunds for cancelation within 48 hours of day of the program. Register at: https://tnstateparks.com/events/details/#/?event=full-moon-cemetery-lantern-tourFeb23

February 9, 2023
Aubrey Logan Concert
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Columbia State community college,
Cherry Theater,
1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia
Aubrey Logan is a singer, songwriter, trombone player and performer who is known as a world-class singer-instrumentalist. Visit the website for ticket and pricing information: https://www.columbiastate.edu/performance-series/index.html

February 11, 2023
Viva NashVegas Radio Show's
Tenth Anniversary Spectacular
11:30am - 12:30 pm
Columbia State Community College,
Pryor Art Gallery,
1665 Hampshire Park, Columbia
This free on-stage show will feature live music and fun, plus a Jimmy Moore Exhibit, whose photo art was Featured in Ken Burn's acclaimed documentary, Country Music PBS. For more information visit: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/event/viva-nashvegas-radio-show/2287/

February 11, 2023
The Winter Ball: A Father Daughter Dance
3:30pm - 5:00pm and 6:30pm - 8:00pm
The Enrichment Center,
110 Everbright Avenue, Franklin
Girls, grab your dad, stepdad, uncle, grandpa or special person and join us for a beautiful Winter Ball. There will be light refreshments to enjoy while a DJ plays the latest hits. Each couple will receive a complimentary picture memento of the evening! Siblings are welcome to join in on the fun for a discounted rate of $15. There are two different times available and registration for the event is online. Visit website to register: https://www.wcparksandrec.com/activities/community_events/index.php

February 18, 2023
Columbia Cars and Coffee
7:00am - 10:00am
The corner of East 7th and Woodland Street in the heart of Columbia Motor Alley
Stroll the streets and check out the cars while you enjoy coffee and live music.
For more information visit: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/event/columbia-cars-and-coffee/480/

Monday - Friday
"Art of the Buzz" Exhibit
8:00am - 5:00pm
Columbia State Community College,
Pryor Art Gallery,
1665 Hampshire Park, Columbia
The “Art of the Buzz.” was co-curated with The National Electric Football Game Museum and will be open through March 3. The National Electric Football Game Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the specific purpose of educating the public about the game of Electric Football. The gallery is a first-class artistic venue where appreciation for the visual arts is embraced. It is open to the public and free of charge. Vist: https://www.columbiastate.edu/pryor-gallery/index.html
March Events

March 3, 2023
Columbia's First Friday
5:00 pm - 8:00pm
Downtown Columbia
Experience shopping, dining, live music, and more on the streets of downtown Columbia. Acces free public parking lots at 700 N. Garden St, 202 W. 6th St, and 119 E 7th St . A shuttle bus is available throughout the entirety of the event rotating between Columbia Plaza and Downtown every 15 minutes at 415 W 7th St. Visit: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/events/first-fridays/

March 3, 2023
Franklin Art Scene Art Crawl
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Franklin Main Street, 103 Third Avenue North, Franklin
A free event, the Art Crawl celebrates Williamson County’s local craftsmanship, from blown glass and turned wood to paintings and sculptures in businesses and venues throughout downtown Franklin. Visit: https://downtownfranklintn.com/event/franklin-art-scene-art-crawl-10/

March 4, 2023
Storybook Decoupage- Angelina Ballerina
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Franklin Recreation Complex,
Art Room (back),
1120 HIllsboro Road, Franklin
Come enter the world of fairy tale magic with this enchanting class! Each class begins with a featured story to inspire students and spark creative conversations. Instructor Lizzy Chittenden then guides students through multiple crafts and activities. Please note that the listed crafts occasionally change due to the unique nature of some of the supplies.
For children at least 6 years, but less than 10. The cost of the program is $30 and registration is online. A $10.00 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the start of class Visit: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/wcpr/activity/search/detail/21643?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true

March 6, 2023
Garden Talk Series: The Urban Gardener – Managing the Box Garden (Virtual)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Learn the basics of growing in small spaces. We will look at basic construction, soil mixes, and planting arrangements to get you started with growing vegetables, herbs, or flowers in a box garden bed. Presented by the Williamson County Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau. Register in advance to receive a link for Zoom. Call the Library at (615) 595-1243 or email reference.library@williamsoncounty-tn.gov if you have questions or want to cancel a registration. Visit: http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsRegister.cfm?SiteID=7792&BranchID=&EventID=480550&PK=

March 16, 2023
Appalachian Road Show Concert
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Cherry Theater, Columbia Campus, 1665 Hampshire Pike, Columbia
Appalachian Road Show is a visionary acoustic ensemble, bringing new-generation interpretations of traditional Americana, bluegrass and folk songs, as well as offering innovative original music, all presented with a common thread tied directly to the heart of the Appalachian regions of the United States. Visit: https://www.columbiastate.edu/events/2023/03/appalachian-road-show-concert.html

March 18, 2023
Columbia Cars and Coffee
7:00am - 10:00am
The corner of East 7th and Woodland Street in the heart of Columbia Motor Alley
Stroll the streets and check out the cars while you enjoy coffee and live music.
Vist: https://www.visitcolumbiatn.com/event/columbia-cars-and-coffee/480/

March 25, 2023
Kids Art Festival of Tennessee
10:00am - 2:00pm
Pinkerton Park, 405 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin
The 7th annual Kids Art Festival of Tennessee honors play, experiments and collaborative experiences in art. They welcome all Tennessee kindergarten through 12th grade artists to apply to display original pieces in this juried exhibit. They will accept and include a wide variety of art pieces in multi-media platforms. Winning pieces will be displayed at the Fire Hall Art Gallery in City Hall in Downtown Franklin. Kids also can sell their artwork and perform onstage during the festival. See the website for more information: https://www.franklintn.gov/government/departments-k-z/parks/city-parks-events/kids-arts-festival

March 25, 2023
Duck River Trail Run
Run begins at 8:00am
Chickasaw Trace Park, 1419 New Hwy 7, Columbia
The Duck River Trail Run 5k & 15k take place along the scenic trails of Chickasaw Trace Park. Net proceeds from this event benefit Maury County Parks & Recreation and efforts to continue the preservation and care of Chickasaw Trace Park. Come out, run the trails, and enjoy the beauty of Chickasaw Trace Park. Registration is $27 for 5K and $32 for 15K.

March 31, 2023
Hike Ozone Falls State Natural Area
(short hike)
9:00am - 1:00pm
Meet at Ozone State Natural Area Parking Lot on Highway 70 E in Ozone, Tennessee
The hike will begin at Ozone Falls State Natural Area and hike toward Long Branch on the Cumberland Trail. The hike will be approximately 4 miles round trip (2 miles each way). This is a great opportunity to see Ozone Falls, hike along many picturesque creeks, and explore some recent trail improvements along the Cumberland Trail. Participants will be free to hang out around Ozone Falls once the hike is over.
This hike begins with a steep descent to the base of Ozone Falls and ends with a steep ascent back to the parking area. Because of the distance and access, this hike should be considered moderately strenuous. Please wear sturdy footwear and bring water and snacks. Visit: https://tnstateparks.com/parks/event_details/division-of-natural-areas/#/?event=hike-ozone-falls-state-natural-area-short-hike

March 31, 2023
Friends of the Library Used Book Sale
9:00am - 5:30pm
John P. Holt Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood
Head to the Brentwood Library for their used book sale. This is a great way to build your personal library while supporting the public library as well. Visit: https://brentwood-tn.libcal.com/event/8984300

June 2
Full Moon Hike/Strawberry Moon
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary 545 Beach Creed Rd S, Brentwood
Join us as we explore Owl’s Hill at sunset. We’ll listen for owls, coyotes, and night-singing insects. Program begins promptly at 7:30. No late entries. No flashlights. For ages 12+ (minors must be accompanied by an adult). Easy one-mile hike with some gentle uphill and downhill hiking. Cost is $15/person.

June 2
Eat the Street Food Truck Festival
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Franklin Bicentennial Park, 400 5th Avenue North, Franklin
Come hungry and enjoy live music, family fun, and food from 34 of the best food trucks in Middle Tennessee. Proceeds benefit the 21st Recovery Court.
June 2
Franklin Art Scene Art Crawl
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Franklin Main Street, Franklin
A free event, Art Crawl celebrates local craftsmanship from blown glass and turned wood to paintings and sculpture. Held the first Friday of each month at businesses and venues throughout downtown Franklin.

June 2
Columbia's First Friday
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Downtown Columbia
Experience shopping, dining, live music in downtown Columbia. Access free public parking lots at 700 N. Garden St, 202 W. 6th St, and 119 E 7th St.

June 3 & 10
Summer Movie Series
Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Park, Fairview
Enjoy a movie and concessions at Bowie Nature Park. 100% of the proceeds go toward Shop with a Cop which provides items to children in need during the Christmas season.

June 9
Free Concert Celebrating The Life of Jazz Pianist Beegie Adair
The Franklin Theatre, 419 Main Street, Franklin
Enjoy a free concert celebrating the life and achievements of Beegie Adair. Reservations are required. Event and seating information can be found at Click Here for More Info beginning April 28th at 11am.

June 11
Summer Concert Series Feature WannaBeatles
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Crockett Park at the Eddy Arnold Amphitheater located at 1500 Volunteer Parkway, Brentwood

June 15
Mount Pleasant's Third Thursday
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Downtown Mount Pleasant
Come join us in Historic Downtown Mount Pleasant for yummy food, great shopping, and Farmer's Market.

June 16 & 23
Family Firefly Hikes
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary 545 Beech Creek Rd S, Brentwood
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary 545 Beech Creek Rd S, Brentwood
This evening program is designed to introduce young explorers to the wonders of the natural world after dark. Find out what makes owls such good hunters, why a firefly lights up, and how your vision changes in the dark. Program begins promptly at 6:30pm. No late entries. This program is open to participants ages 4 and up with adult. The cost is $25/Adult+Child pair, $15 additional adult, $12 additional child. Click Here To Sign Up!

June 17
Fifth Annual Blueberry Bash
3:00pm - 8:00pm
Highland Realm Blueberry Farm, 4443 Hampshire Pike, Hampshire
Join us for an afternoon of fun at our all natural blueberry farm for blueberry picking, blueberry baking contest (cash prizes!), food trucks, live music, pony rides, archery tag, vendor booths, creek wading, door prizes and a whole lot more. Pets on leashes are welcome! Click Here For More Info!

June 17
Mount Pleasant's Music on the Porch
7:00pm - 9:00pm
206 Pleasant Street, Mount Pleasant
Grab your chairs and blankets and head to Mount Pleasant for a fun evening of live music and entertainment. Click Here For More Info!

June 18
Summer Concert Series Featuring Music City Stones
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Crockett Park at the Eddy Arnold Amphitheater located at 1500 Volunteer Parkway, Brentwood

June 17 & 18
Franklin Flea Market
9:00am – 6:00pm & 10:00am - 4:00pm
Wiliamson County Ag Expo Park, 4215 Long Ln, Franklin
Enjoy a day of shopping at the NEW Franklin Flea Market. The market will feature over 300 iIndoor & covered outdoor booths full of antiques, collectibles, crafts, clothing, jewelry, more. Admission is free and parking is just $5.

June 24
Brentfest Featuring Rubiks Groove and Cruizin Keys Dueling Pianos
5:00pm - 8:00pm with concert beginning at 6:00pm
Crockett Park at the Eddy Arnold Amphitheater located at 1500 Volunteer Parkway, Brentwood
Enjoy live music with Rubik’s Groove and Cruizin Keys Dueling Pianos. Rubiks Groove is an"Out of the Box" Live 80s & 90s Dance Party. There will also be a beer garden, food trucks and kids fun zone. Click Here For More Info!

June 24
Power Wheels Jr. Rally
9:00am – 2:00pm
Franklin Recreation Complex – Soccer Fields, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin
On your mark, get set, GO! WCPR is turning the Franklin Recreation Soccer Fields into a racetrack to host the first ever WCPR Power Wheels Jr. Rally – presented by the Music City Grand Prix! Ages 3-8 are invited to bring their Power Wheel (or borrow a WCPR Power Wheel) and compete in a friendly race. Cost: $15 per racer.
Check out these websites for additional listings of events and festivals happening in your community.