What To Do The First 30 Days After You Move

What to do the First 30 Days After You Move
Soon after you move into your new home and are getting acquainted with the community, there are a few tasks to do as a new resident.
Get your car tags at the County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk’s office handles motor vehicle registration and renewal. In Williamson County, the office is located at 1320 W. Main Street, Suite 135 in Franklin. 615-790-5712. WilliamsonCounty-TN.gov/166/Motor-Vehicles. In Maury County, the County Clerk is located at 10 Public Square, Columbia. 931-375-5200. Maurycounty-tn.gov/216/Motor-Vehicles. For more information check out pages 24-25 in The New Residents’ Guide. https://bit.ly/TheNewResidentsGuide
The State of Tennessee requires you to get a Tennessee driver’s license within 30 days after establishing residency. Go to any state full-service driver services center with the required documentation and your current state license. A list of centers can be found at TN.gov/safety/driver-services/locations.html. A list of required documents you’ll need to take with you can be found at TN.gov/content/tn/safety/driver-services/dlproof.
Complete a change of address with the post office as well as for your credit cards, investments, and insurance policies.
Consider having your home’s exterior locks changed should the previous owner have shared keys with an outside party.
Review your insurance policies including homeowner’s, renter’s, and vehicle insurance. Make sure you are adequately covered and your agent has your new contact information.
Be a recycling rockstar! Recycle your moving boxes at a local Williamson or Maury County Convenience Center. Go online to WilliamsonCounty-TN.gov/1846/Convenience-Centers for a map of locations and accepted recyclables. In Maury County, go to MauryCounty-TN.gov/317/Solid-Waste.
Got pets? Identify a local veterinarian and transfer your pet's medical records to your pet’s new doctor. All dogs and cats are required to have a rabies shot and be registered with the state.
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